Carbon Fiber Door & Steering Wheel Trim Cover for 5th Gen 4Runner

Car Trim Home Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel Cover for 5th Gen 4Runner

Car Trim Home Carbon Fiber Door and Steering Wheel Trim Cover for 5th Gen 4Runner: Complete Install and Overview

Tired of your door and steering wheel trim not matching your center console? has the remedy to your aesthetic ailment. They offer a door and steering wheel overpayment with that same carbon fiber look as the factory trim by the cup holders and shifter. The install takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.

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Tools & Materials

  • Boars hairbrush
  • Cleaning solution
  • Microfiber towel

Step 1. Clean Mounting Surfaces

Cleaning Surface for Car Trim Home Carbon Fiber Overlay

Scrub away all those fingerprints from fast food mall crawling.

This is the most important part of the install. Make sure that the surface is clear of any dirt, grime, oil, solvent, etc… I used a boar’s hairbrush and Nonsense invisible super cleaner from Chemical Guys.  The overlayments are attached with double-sided tape that is pre-installed on the pieces.  After you scrub the surface down, wipe away any excess cleaning solution and allow the surface to dry.

Step 2. Remove Adhesive Film Cover

Car Trim Home Carbon Fiber Overlay Adhesive

Peel off the red film. This seems easy but it is trickier than it appears if you don’t have fingernails, however, it can be done. Be careful not to touch the adhesive as it is really sticky. Once the red plastic is removed, you can install the piece onto the corresponding door or wheel cover. While doing the doors, I found that it is easiest to insert the finger holes and use them as a guide to align the part. Press down firmly and evenly to ensure proper adhesion.

Final Thoughts

Car Trim Home Carbon Fiber Window Switches Cover for 5th Gen 4Runner

The pieces fit well and the adhesive is pretty strong.  The carbon look is quite similar to the factory console and blends in well to the factory look and feel. Cartrimhome offers many other interior parts that match these. I’m considering getting a couple of other pieces to cover some of the damage I’ve caused over the years. These are great to protect your factory trim or to refresh a well-loved interior.

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3 years ago

Hi Brenan
I have a 2010 4 Runner and I would like to install the carbon fiber accessories on the doors and center console. I live in Arizona. It is supposed to be 105 degrees on Wednesday. My 4 Runner is Black. Will the 3 M tape hold up out here. I love the look of the pieces, but I wonder if anyone has any experience with them staying put in really hot weather. Comments, please.
Thank you

3 years ago

I thought about steering wheel trim before and now I know why I hesitated. Those extend out and far from the circle of the wheel.