5 Things You Can Do To Your 4Runner During the Quarantine

Corona Virus Got You Locked Up? Here are 5 Things you Can Do To Your 4Runner While Stuck at Home

We are dealing with some strange times here in the United States, as well as the rest of the world.

With many of us being ordered to shelter in place at our homes, traveling in our 4Runners and taking those desired ‘first of the year’ trips aren’t advised at this time.

With the spare time given to you, we’re here to give you some ideas to make the best use of your Corona-cation. Here are 5 things that you can easily do at home using parts ordered from the internet!

#1 – Clean Out Your 4Runner

You might be one of those 4Runner owners like so many friends that never take the time to clean out their vehicles. Guess what? You have that time now!

Grab a vacuum and a trash can and get in there to bring your 4Runner back to its former glory.

Start with a good clean out, pull everything out of your 4Runner and analyze whether it goes back in, or straight in the bin. You might be surprised at what you find.

Don’t be afraid to be critical with your choices either; if you forgot it was there, to begin with, you probably don’t need it.

Grab a vacuum and get into those dark spaces you haven’t thought about for years.

Those forgotten fries, numerous hair pins, some dog toys you have been looking for for months. SUCK ‘EM UP!

Just be sure to check the vacuum when you’re done for money or 10mm sockets.

Cleaning Your 4Runner

Finish up with a damp cloth to wipe down all of those dusty surfaces. If needed, hit it with a dry cloth to soak up any extra moisture.

If you choose you can apply your favorite interior cleaners afterward, but I keep mine product free to keep dust from sticking more than it already does.

#2 – Manage Your Wiring

Wiring Switch for 4Runner Lighting

Remember that one time you were about to go on a trip but you had to install those dust lights and you rushed through the install making your engine bay look like a wire mess?

Now is the time to clear your name and restore your honor amongst your friends and mechanics.

Go back to square one and start with an appropriately gauged wire. Follow that up with solid connections at both ends and a fuse as close to the power source as possible.

Wiring to Roof Rack on 4Runner

Your wiring management might vary from others, but make it the best that it can be! If you’re looking for a little wiring inspiration, check out this Switch-Pros installation guide.

#3 – Add Some Lumens

Scene Lighting on 5th Gen 4Runner

Lights are still available to order through many vendors, and can be an easy day project for most DIYers. If you have lights already, have you been wanting up upgrade?

If you don’t have them, what’s holding you back? Now you can take the time to figure out what you need and want to make an action plan! Check out some install guides such as Brenan’s KC Fog Light Install , or my Baja Designs Rock Light Install.

KC Hilites or Baja Design Upgrade

I took the opportunity to swap out one of my single Baja Designs S2 Pro lights for a pair of S1s. The project took about a day overall to get things exactly how I wanted them, and the outcome was awesome.

4” LED strip available through Sloop Imports

If you’re looking for a very simple LED addition to your 4Runner, check out this 4” LED strip available through Sloop Imports.

You can order it in a number of lengths in either a red/white or amber/white configuration. All it requires is a power source, and a metal surface to mount it on because it has a magnetic back. It’ll be the easiest light you install.

Sleek Underhood Lighting on 4Runner

Before ordering, check with your vendor to make sure they’re still accepting orders and shipping!

#4 – Install an OBDII Monitoring Device

OBDII Monitoring Device 4Runner

The 4Runner comes with limited vehicle data readouts if you have a 2019 or earlier 5th Gen. An OBDII reading device such as a ScanGauge II  or OBDLink MX+  can unlock a lot of information that you didn’t have before. Everything from tire pressures, to transmission temperatures and even detailed fuel consumption data. But the big plus for many of these devices is the ability to read and clear codes.

If you have ever been in a remote place and have worried about a check engine light disabling your 4wd gadgets, these devices are a simple investment to limp you forward. I installed one on a custom bracket near the instrument cluster and programmed in the codes for reading transmission temperatures. It doesn’t have a lot of sex appeal, but it does pack a lot of helpful features.

#5 – Catch Up On Maintenance

Chances are there are a few maintenance items that are either coming up, or have been sorely neglected in the past. Things that take time at the dealership or things you haven’t gotten to yourself. The shelter in place ordinance allows for vehicle repair and maintenance shops to remain open (as of 03/22/2020). Call your favorite service shop or dealership to see if they’re taking maintenance appointments.

Or, better yet, take the opportunity to learn some of the common maintenance jobs that your 4Runner requires using the guides found here on Trail4Runner.com. We have covered driveline fluids, changing work tie-rods, and servicing your brakes, along with a host of other maintenance items found here.

This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to gain some skills, and get things done!

Final Thoughts?

We hope that all of our 4Runner Family stay safe during these times, and with some help from us, can get some things done to their 4Runner for when we can get back to everyday life and all of those outdoor trips we can’t wait for later this year!

Remember, if you’re buying online, try to shop locally and have them deliver.

Small businesses need all the help they can get through these times. Catch you on the trail on the other side.

Questions, Comments or Quarantine stories? Leave them below!

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David Gainer
David Gainer
4 years ago

Hey Max. Awesome stuff. How do you get the 5 lights on the side and the back power? Is all of that via that one bundle of cables that appears to be zip-tied to the weather stripping on your front windsheild?

Max Sheehan - @life.to.the.max
Max Sheehan - @life.to.the.max
4 years ago
Reply to  David Gainer

Hey David // I have them running up the driver’s side of the windshield in a wrapped harness. Most people don’t notice it until you’re looking straight at it, ha! This keeps everything serviceable and avoids running things into the cab and through the roof. // Max

David Gainer
David Gainer
4 years ago

That’s brilliant, because roof lighting seems like something that’s not going to be set up perfectly first try. Could I ask you two more simple questions? (1) What gauge wire did you use for the three on the back? The harness doesn’t look that thick. (2) What did you zip tie them to? I just went and looked at my 4Runner, and the only thing I can guess is you somehow looped them around the weather stripping? Is that even possible?

BTW, your stuff is wonderful – both the ideas and the presentation of the content. Thank you for sharing and for being an inspiration to so many other 4Runner owners out there.

4 years ago

Always a great read, and On top of the comments good sir 👍
Have any links for tools to carry and ways to fix common areas that might break on A 5gen.

Max Sheehan - @life.to.the.max
Max Sheehan - @life.to.the.max
4 years ago
Reply to  Clint

Thanks! Sounds like a great article, I’ll get on that 👍🏻

5 years ago

Loved this very informative email/article. Thank you.

5 years ago

On picture #4, where can I get one of those touch pads? (to the left of Scanguage) Would solve alot of issues with switch placement!

Chris K
Chris K
5 years ago

Great list, I definitely need to clean out my 4Runner, vacuum and clean the salt off the floor mats. i also need to wash it as well. I have been planning to do the oil but it’s not needed yet. I plan to install my skids the same time I do the oil so I may just have to get around to it one of these days. Thanks for posting

5 years ago

Thank you for encouraging folks to work on projects at home and travel after this is over! Stay home, stay safe, and keep others safe. 4Runner people are the best!

Jeannette Collier
Jeannette Collier
5 years ago

Thx for the tips. Will definitely come in handy for #shelterinplace

5 years ago

Can I get an ID on the lights in the first two pics of section #3? Specifically the side lights and what looks like a brake light in the middle of the rack. Thanks!

5 years ago
Reply to  Max Sheehan

Awesome! Thank You. Is that an additional brake/Tail light in the middle?

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