Blacked Out Amber Marker Lights on 5th Gen 4Runner

Blacked Out Amber Marker Lights on 5th Gen 4Runner

Simple Bolt-On Blackout Amber Marker Lights on 5th Gen 4Runner – from Car Trim Home – Straight from China

We can all agree by now the amber marker lights are pretty popular.

Perhaps one of the most common lighting mods aside from headlights are these three amber lights in the grille. We are not quite sure who started this craze but someone got the idea from the Ford Raptor and implemented it on the 5th Gen.

There have been countless reviews, overviews, and step by step installations for the marker lights here on the blog. There are many ways to mount, run and wire the marker lights. That step by step link will show you multiple options if you want a DIY project, and to save a little money as opposed to buying a kit.

You can grab a set of amber lights off Amazon for around $5 each and then use some 18-22awg wire to assemble your own kit. The process is really simple if you have even a small amount of experience with wiring small projects.

If you want to grab a quick bolt-on kit, there are a couple of options out there.

I know makes a kit you can buy but they don’t offer a blacked out version yet, although I am sure you can black them out if you want. Even though I like the amber look, it’s nice to have the option to black the lights out against your grille.

Blacked Out Amber Marker Lights

Blacked Out Amber Marker Lights

As most every amber marker light option has been covered, I did want to drop this blacked out version from Car Trim Home.

There are a few notable differences about this kit compared to the other options.

  1. Plug-n-play kit: Check Today’s Price
  2. Blacked out
  3. Dirt Cheap

The kit ships directly from (China) and is incredibly affordable ($50 bucks). You can also buy their TRD Pro Grille for around $100 bucks (seen in this post).

For the price, the kit is well worth the price but my kit did not ship with hardware so I did need to take a trip to Home Depot and grab a set of screws.

Car Trim Marker Lights Install

We ran the marker lights to our switch pro and then added an inline fuse from a leftover KC HiLiTES harness kit we installed.

If you are going to install this kit, I would recommend buying an inline fuse just in case. Even though the kit does not require one, you can never be too safe with electrical.

Preferred Installation Tools

  • 1 hour

Tools & Materials

Remove Top Grille Cover

Remove Top Grille Cover

If you are unfamiliar with how to remove the top grille parts, check out this other grille removal article.

You don’t have to remove the entire upper grille but it may make the install go easier. Also, it makes routing the wires along the top of the upper grille simple.

Pre-Thread #4 Screws into Lights

Pre-Thread #4 Screws into Lights

The ID on the plastic opening for the bolts is small which with a lot of pressure may cause them to crack or split. By pre-threading the screws, I just wanted to make everything go in smooth. Also, you never know with China. Some times quality control can be an issue. I was as delicate as possible with this.

Also, I had to go to Home Depot and grab some new hardware. I bought one bag of #4 X 5/8″ screws with a flat base on the screw head.

Assemble Marker Lights to Grille

Assemble Marker Lights to Grille

Tighten Marker Lights to Grille

Tighten Marker Lights to Grille

Add Remaining Marker Lights & Run Wire on Grille

Add Remaining Marker Lights to Grille

Run Inline Fuse on Wiring Harness

Run Inline Fuse on Wiring Harness

The kit does not include an inline fuse but I added one. I had a leftover inline fuse from a KC HiLiTES wiring harness but you can pick up inline fuses on Amazon for cheap.

Also, paired with the new solder seal wire connectors, I ended up with a pretty solid little harness. And if anything is going to short it will blow the fuse first and not the LEDs.

Test Marker Lights

Test Marker Lights

Loom Wiring Harness

Loom Wiring Harness

Connect Waterproof Wire Connectors

Connect Waterproof Wire Connectors

Final Thoughts?

Black Marker Lights 4Runner

The quality was honestly pretty damn good for China. They could have used a higher AWG wire, maybe 18AWG would have been nice instead of their 22AWG, but that’s just being picky.

The packaging could have been better as well and if they included the hardware, that would have been a plus.

At the end of the day, it was $50, everything worked and the install went as expected.

If you are looking to save a little bit of time or money with marker lights, this is a great option.

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Darin Ross
Darin Ross
4 years ago

Has anyone tapped into the marker lights to power the lights, so it works in unison with the markers instead of a Separate switch.

David Jennings
David Jennings
4 years ago

Installed mine today finally. I wanted the switch as well. They sent the wrong switch initially but the replacement did work. The lack of directions was very frustrating. But here is how I hooked them up with the switch.

I wired the blacks from both the switch and LED’s to ground. The green from the switch went to the fuse holder to power. I wired both red’s from the switch to the red wire from the LED’s. Everything works now.

4 years ago

I currently have a 4 piece plug and play set I bought I routed straight to the fuse box under the steering wheel, could I do the same with this set or do I need a switch?(current set just cuts on when the battery is activated)

Jon J.
Jon J.
5 years ago

Disappointing.. I haven’t installed yet but the quality of the wiring harness is junk. None of the heat shrink covers up the connectors. They cut the wire shielding too far down so the heat shrink doesn’t fully cover it – i.e. some of the wiring is exposed. I spend the last week redoing all the cabling for the LED lights. You can definitely tell they were *challenged* in this area.

5 years ago

What is the point of these lights? Is it just looks? Does not seem like it would help illuminate an area if you already have your low beams on. Just curious.

5 years ago

The site to the product page isn’t working. Great install article! If anyone knows where to find these, let me know! I’m interested!

5 years ago
Reply to  Brenan Greene

Brenan, I purchased these and also the switch they sell. I’m hoping I can install everything myself but am disappointed that they have no info on how to hook these up with their switch. Any ideas?

5 years ago

Just curious why you didn’t get the power from the factory park lamps?

A Steeves
A Steeves
5 years ago

Are there any solutions like this for the 10-13 grilles? Even if it doesn’t “fit” in the openings in the grille. But a clean way to mount a good looking amber marker. Thanks!

Aaron Hatfield
Aaron Hatfield
5 years ago

I got these lights and I agree with install and quality. Good for $50, but keep an eye on them. Some of the LEDs went out on mine within a week. They’re sending me replacements, and I think this issue may be moisture. On the new set I’m going to use silicone RTV to seal around the wires on the light housing. They were fine until we got rain, so I’m hoping that’s the issue. Other than that I love the look of these on my truck.

Ari Kutzer
Ari Kutzer
5 years ago

Do these lights have a similar wiring harness to the yotaleds version? For the Yotaleds, the lights’ wiring harness is just a fuse that slides into an empty fuse slot in the fuse box, to me that is a good reason to purchase because I won’t have to cut apart and splice wires (I am very inexperienced with such installation work). These are cheaper and I prefer the smoked look and the horizontal rectangles, which is why I am wondering about these. Thanks!

5 years ago

I will stick with Ronnieboyfabrication. Yes its a lot more money, but American. And I am sure he has already sold way more than this company.

5 years ago
Reply to  Blake

Do they have a website or link to a product page somewhere? I just searched for that company and nothing came up.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jason

You have to get from instagram. @Ronnieboyfabrication. Also it comes with everything you need. Even pick the switch style.

5 years ago
Reply to  Blake

what is the difference between this kit, the kit and the kit from China? They all look so similar.

5 years ago
Reply to  Steven

I don’t have the Yotaleds. But from YouTube and Instagram. I picked ronnieboy. You can pick Amber or clear. Plus he has got a good following on his lights. Look them up on YouTube. Trd blue John has a set.

Bob Merkles
Bob Merkles
5 years ago

Looks great!

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