9 Photography Spots in Mount Shasta

Mt Shasta March 2017 - Lake Siskiyou

Best Photography Spots in Mount Shasta and the McCloud Area

On the list to shoot heading up I5 to Mt. Shasta from Sacramento is a wide variety of places. This is for a local business we are doing the shoot for so we won’t have a ton of extra time to shoot iconic spots. But, on my list so far is Lake Siskiyou (sis-q) at Sunset and McCloud Falls which includes Upper, Lower and Middle McCloud Falls at Sunrise. I am still shuffling through some other spots that may be decent in mid-day. One of the spots that I am eyeing during the day is the McCloud Railroad near Quincy street.

Well, as it turns out, these 4Runner road trips never seem to go as planned. It was raining and storming like crazy on the first day. So, half of my shots did not turn out. As for the second day, the sky turned out to be perfect all the way around. Clouds came in and clouds blew away. It was a beautiful day. Photographers, friends, and families were out enjoying the sun. As for the entire trip, here is what happened below.

1. Dunsmuir Trains, Dunsmuir, CA

Dunsmuir Trains, Dunsmuir, CA

Well, it wasn’t as amazing as I thought it was going to be. It was cool for sure but I was lacking some serious photography skills on this set of the 4Runner road trip. There are some very cool places around the Dunsmuir Trains in Dunsmuir, CA, you just have to find them. I got a few shots of the train station but I thought this was the coolest. No train at all.

2. Hedge Creek Falls Dunsmuir, CA

Hedge Creek Falls Dunsmuir CA

I made a last minute stop to Hedge Creek Falls in Dunsmuir before heading up to Mt. Shasta. It was an unbelievable waterfall that was flowing extremely fast. It was an amazing sight to see. The photo didn’t come out too well in my opinion, maybe because there are so many trees (Cough, Excuse). This is one waterfall you just have to see in person to understand its true beauty.

Note: This is actually day two on my way to Mossbrae Falls. My first set from day 1 was so bad from the rain, I had water spots all over my lens in every shot.

3. Mt Shasta Rail Road Hike to Mossbrae Falls (off I5)

Mossbrae Falls - Dunsmuir

This will eventually be another blog post because of the confusion that surrounds getting here. In any case, the hike down the Mt Shasta Rail Road to Mossbrae Falls (off I5) is amazing. Once you arrive, you step down a hillside into what appears to be paradise. Mossbrae Falls is absolutely amazing.

4. Middle McCloud Falls

McCloud Middle Falls - Shasta

There are three waterfalls in the McCloud Falls set. Lower, Upper and Middle. Below is Middle Falls and its the largest in height. Also one of the most breathtaking waterfalls I have ever seen. For all of the McCloud Falls Waterfalls, please take a look at the individual post on McCloud Falls.

5. McCloud Railroad near Quincy Street

McCloud CA Train Station

If you head into Downtown McCloud, there isn’t much to see. But, there is an awesome train station towards the backside of McCloud at the end of Quincy Street. Managed to snap off a few HRD shots before I read the no trespassing sign.

6. Lake Siskiyou – Mt. Shasta

Mt Shasta March 2017 - Lake Siskiyou

All I have to say is, wow. Mt. Shasta is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Mt. Shasta offers so many different sights and at every stop, you are able to see this massive 14,000 ft mountain. The weather in Mt. Shasta has to be on your side, though. Sometimes Mt. Shasta wants to come out and say hello, sometimes he does not. I got lucky on day two when Mt. Shasta decided to grace us with its presence. Hello Mt. Shasta!!

7. Black Butte Mountain Sunset

Black Butte Mountain Shasta at Sunset

This was pretty epic. Unlike any sunset I have ever seen before. Black Butte Mountain is amazing in everywhere. You can understand how it gets its name. The whole mountain is filled with black rock and makes for an epic photography adventure from so many angles around the town of Mount Shasta. The sun started to hit the peak of black butte mountain just perfect as I got about 50 shots off trying to get as much as could until the lights went out.

8. Black Butte Mountain Sunset

Mt Shasta Black Butte Mountain - Castle Lake

If you head out to Lake Siskiyou to get a view of Mt. Shasta, you may consider heading another 7 miles up the hill to Castle Lake. On the road to Castle Lake, you will get some stunning views of Black Butte Mountain and Mt. Shasta. Here is one of Black Butte Mountain at early sunset just.

9. Black Butte Mountain Sunset Freeway

Mt Shasta Black Butte Mountain - Night

This was on my list as soon as I drove up I5 towards Mt. Shasta. I really wanted to get a shot of the light trails towards Black Butte Mountain with the Canon 70-200 Lens but I was getting lazy and tired. This shot was on the Manfrotto tripod and taken with the Canon 10-22  Lens. The clouds were still full of color as the sun had already set.

What a road trip!

Other Epic Places to shoot around Mt. Shasta and McCloud, CA

  • Mt Shasta Lavender Farms – Closed in 2017 so we didn’t make it
  • Vista Point on 89 – Past McCloud, CA
  • McCloud River’s Three Waterfalls – Upper, Lower and Middle Falls
  • Dunsmuir Trains
  • Dunsmuir Railroad Park Resort
  • Castle Crags State Park
  • Diestelhorst Bridge – Sacramento River Trail, Redding, CA
  • Shasta Dam – Quite a distance off I5 up to Mt. Shasta, didn’t make it.
  • Burney Falls – McArthur-Burney Falls State Park
  • Big Bend Hot Springs


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Asif Garhi
5 years ago

Hi .. Where was the first sunset photo of Mount Butte taken from?

Brenan - @Trail4R
Brenan - @Trail4R
5 years ago
Reply to  Asif Garhi

I think some random neighborhood. Not sure.

Francesca Tull
Francesca Tull
5 years ago

I’ve got a bet with someone about what month you took the Black Butte Mountain Sunset (Day 1) – Next to Mt. Shasta shot on, is there any way you could possibly settle that for us?? I know you say it’s winter, but I was betting it was in November. I’m dying to know!

5 years ago

Hi any recommendations on how to get to Mossbrae falls without breaking any rules

Rob Stathem
6 years ago

Thanks Brenan! Likewise — you’ve really captured the essence and wonderment of these locations. Well done! 🙂

6 years ago

Great post, thanks Brenan! As a former native of Shasta County (now residing in Orange County), it makes me realize I need to take some time to go back and re-visit these beautiful locations.

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