RotopaX Ladder Mount Bracket 4Runner

RotopaX Ladder Mount Bracket - 5th Gen 4Runner

4Runner Ladder Accessory Mount – RotopaX Ladder Mounting Bracket – 5th Gen 4Runner

Fuel cans and water storage are both important for longer trips.

After heading out for the weekend, you never know where trails will take you. Whether you have a set path or start wandering off on random roads, it’s nice to have either backup fuel or backup water when you need it.

Both RotopaXs and Jerry Cans have their own unique features and benefits.

Depending on your needs, you have many options for fuel and water storage. Fuel storage is pretty straightforward with RotopaXs and Jerry Cans being the top solutions for mounting and ease of use.

With water, on the other hand, you have many more options.

Either way, water or fuel, you need solutions to keep these liquids secure.

There are many options when it comes to mounting fuel cans. Whether you are looking to mount a RotopaX branded fuel carrier or the popular Wavian cans (jerry cans), you will need to figure out some type of mounting bracket or housing.

Many rear bumpers on the market offer single/dual jerry can mount housings, as well as RotopaX mounts. If you don’t have a rear bumper or it’s a few steps away in your build, then you have other options.

Overland Equipped RotopaX Ladder Mount Bracket

Overland Equipped RotopaX Mounting Bracket

For the drivers out there with a ladder mounted to their cargo door, the Overland Equipped mounting bracket is a great complement if you are looking to mount fuel cans, and more specifically, looking to mount RotopaX cans.

The RotopaX Ladder Mount Bracket by Overland Equipped

Their bracket fits many straight-line off-road ladders (like the Gobi Rack). For curved ladders like the BajaRack ladder, you may have to look another direction.

This simple bracket from Overland Equipped solves many RotopaX mounting needs, especially for those of us with a ladder, and not a full rear bumper.

The Overland Equipped bracket is pretty convenient. You can assemble the bracket, and leave your RotopaXs mounted or take them off. This makes taking the RotopaX containers on and off fairly seamless.

If you are heading out for the weekend, just throw your RotopaXs on. Or, if you know it’s going to be a while before you head out again, just leave the containers on a shelf at home.

Meanwhile, you can leave your bracket mounted to the ladder, ready to go.

Overland Equipped RotopaX Mounting Options

With this bracket, you can mount most, if not all RotopaX options:

  1. The Overland Equipped Bracket: Check Today’s Price
  2. RotopaX Fuel Containers: Check Price
  3. RotopaX Locking Mount: Check Price
  4. RotopaX Regular Mount with no lock: Check Price
  5. Extension Mount(Mount two RotopaXs): Check Price
  6. Aftermarket Liftgate Struts: Check Price

The RotopaX Locking Mount and Extension

The RotopaX Bracket and Extension Bracket

For the RotopaX mounts, you have a few options. If you plan on only mounting one RotopaX storage container, then you can choose to mount the pax with the regular pax mount or the locking pax mount.

The difference is exactly what it sounds like. The locking pax mount comes with a lock and key giving you the ability to lock your pax containers to the Overland Equipped mounting bracket. The classic mount does not lock so you risk having them stolen.

If you are planning to run two RotopaXs then you need the pax mount extension. The extension allows you to double up your pax containers while still utilizing the classic pax mount or the locking pax mount.

Assembling the RotopaX Mounting Bracket

RotopaX Mount Installation

The RotopaX mount kit provides the hardware to attach the spacer to the bracket.

Attach RotopaX Bracket to Gobi Ladder & OE Bracket

The RotopaX bracket has square cutouts to make threading down the nuts easy. The bolts included in the RotopaX kit are about 1″ which are too small to mount to a ladder.

Overland Equipped ships their mounting bracket with much longer bolts design to work perfectly with the RotopaX bracket.

Now would be a good time to apply anti-seize lubricant on the stainless steel bolts provided by Overland Equipped.

Lightly thread down the provided hardware from Overland Equipped.

Tighten RotopaX Bracket to OE Bracket Plate

RotopaX Ladder Mount Bracket 4Runner

Make sure you position your brackets where you want them to sit in their final position, then tighten them down all the way.

Attaching One RotopaX Storage Can

If you only have one storage container, you can use your locking pax mount and tighten it down.

Unlock the mount and twist the top handle about four times or until you have lined the mount up with the corresponding tabs on the storage container.

Make sure your RotopaX and mount are tight and then lock it up.

Attaching Two RotopaX Storage Cans (Extension Mount)

Attaching Two RotopaX Storage Cans (Extension Mount)

If you are going for two storage containers, you will need the extension bracket.

The extension bracket has a retainer bar that you can adjust depending on the size of your containers. Start by unscrewing the nylon lock nut to your desired setting.

Once you find the best setting for your containers, screw it into the base pax mount (locking or non-locking – whichever you have).

Double RotopaX Storage Containers

Double RotopaX Storage Cans (Extension Mount)

Just like the single mount, turn the mount dial four or more times or until the mount sits tight against the mounting bracket.

Side View: Single RotopaX Storage Container on Gobi Ladder

Side View: Single RotopaX Storage Container on Gobi Ladder

Side View: Two RotopaX Storage Containers on Gobi Ladder

If you are looking to mount some RotopaXs on your ladder, Overland Equipped has the solution.

Solid products, fast shipping, and excellent customer service.

Thank you Overland Equipped!!

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1 year ago

One thing to think about is that with the weight of the ladder and adding about 30 pounds of full gas cans the stock struts are not up to holding the gate up. Different struts will be required. Overall, this is a great writeup and sold me on the mount and steps.

4 years ago

I just installed a full-height CBI Overland rack to my TRD Off Road Tacoma. I am disappointed to find that there is no way to properly attach the rotopax mounting plate to the rack. Aside from going to Home Depot and buying longer bolts to directly bolt the mount (sans baseplate) to the rack, I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to drill holes in either the baseplate or my rack in order to make the baseplate fit. Advice?

5 years ago

Great way to attach to ladder, or, in my case, roof basket. Only issue is that while the rotopax can be locked to the mount, the mount isn’t locked and the fuel can easily be taken. Any thoughts how to prevent it. Certainly lock nuts and lock-tight can slow it down.

5 years ago

Hi! Two questions… (1.) Is this for 2 gallon packs? I’m looking at going with one water and one fuel, both in 2 gal. Just buy one standard bracket and an extension? I was looking to buy and wasn’t sure as it got into other sizes of packs, extensions, etc. (2.) What are the brackets on the right side of your ladder? Looking for places to securely mount jack, shovel, etc as I’ll have a tent on the gobi most of the time 🙂 Thanks. And thanks for all the great write-ups!

Ricardo Mendiola
5 years ago

What do you guys recommend for snowboarding brackets if you have a Gobi rack

6 years ago

Another good write up! Think you’d be able to get two sets of these mounts with the extensions and get 4 Rotopax on a Gobi ladder?

Jason Sarano
Jason Sarano
6 years ago

this is awesome, thank you brenan. I have been wondering how to mount my RotoPAXs to my ladder for awhile now. I have seen a bunch of people do it but was always kind of curious how that single bracket that Rotopax provides connected to the roof rack. I looked at home depot for a few options but nothing clicked. This is awesome, thanks again man!

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